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personalized skin treatments for your exact needs

Bespoke Medical offers a range of skin therapy treatments that are designed to give your skin the refresh it needs! Our most popular treatments include PRP for face and hair restoration, Beauty Booster Treatment, Jet Peel Facial, The Perfect Peel and Gold Facial Mesotherapy.

Each of these in clinic facial treatments offer something different but all facials are designed to help you bring out your natural beauty.  You can trust that we will go above and beyond to figure out the best treatment and skin care options for you exact issues.

beauty booster treatment

If you're looking for a more comprehensive and radiant glow, we suggest our Signature Skin Beauty Booster Treatment that will replenish and nourish the skin with natural ingredients. Beauty Booster is a revolutionary microneedling procedure for the improvement of skin hydration and texture. This treatment uses an injectable form of hyaluronic acid (HA) to target all areas of aging in order to restore your skin's youthful look. It is especially effective for those who have begun to lose elasticity in their face due to natural aging processes.

  • How It Works

    The treatment stimulates collagen and hydrates from within, plumping the skin and imparting a youthful glow to your complexion. The V2 Beauty Booster injector infuses microdroplets of enriched bio-stimulating hyaluronic acid (Redensity 1) to the precise level of the skin where collagen is most effectively stimulated. 

    Combining injectable hydration with microneedling, this treatment will help you achieve firmer skin on the face, neck, décolletage, and hands. This treatment improves hydration, skin radiance, tone and elasticity in addition to increasing collagen production in the dermis.

  • Areas Treated

    The Signature Skin Booster Treatment can be used on all areas of the face, including the neck and the décolletage.

  • Results & Recovery

    The slow release of HA results in natural bio-remodelling of the skin and improved skin quality lasting for up to six months. Minimum of 2 treatments required 4 weeks apart, with little to no downtime. 

    The Signature Skin Booster Treatment can provide long-lasting anti-aging results with very minimal downtime post treatment. After your initial three treatments spaced four weeks apart, you can expect to see a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and fine lines as well as an overall improvement in the texture of your skin.

    Usually a series of three treatments are required and packages are available for purchase.

black woman looking at mirror

prp for face & hair restoration

Our PRP for face and hair restoration is designed to improve skin elasticity and induce natural hair growth. At Bespoke Medical we use Microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to supercharge your treatment.

  • How It Works

    During this process we extract a small amount of blood from you which then goes through a process of separating the platelet-rich portions. These concentrated plasma is then micro-needled into your face. It’s a safe and effective way to stimulate the natural production of collagen, helping you achieve smoother and softer skin or a fuller head of hair.

  • Areas Treated

    At Bespoke Medical we offer PRP treatment for both the face and scalp. 

  • Results & Recovery

    The entire process requires up to 60 minutes and it is recommended to have 3 treatments done with 3-4 weeks in between each one for optimal results. Once completed, you will be able to enjoy younger looking, firmer skin! Prices start at $499 and packages are available. 

    Contact us today to book an appointment!  We look forward to helping you achieve beautiful, youthful-looking skin! 

woman getting prp injections for hair rejuvenation
woman peeling off face mask

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a cosmetic treatment that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to remove damaged outer layers and stimulate new cell growth. At Bespoke Medical, we offer a range of chemical peels, including Zo skin health medium depth peels, Perfect Peel, and Melasma peel Protocol. It's important to note that a consultation with one of our skincare experts is always required to determine which peel is best suited to your specific skin needs!

  • How It Works

    Chemical peel facials work by using a chemical solution to exfoliate and remove the outermost layer of skin, revealing smoother, brighter, and more even-toned skin underneath. The solution is applied to the face and left on for a specified amount of time, depending on the strength of the peel and the individual's skin type and sensitivity. The solution causes the skin to blister and eventually peel off, revealing new skin cells underneath. 

    Chemical peels can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, age spots, and other skin imperfections. However, they can also cause redness, peeling, and irritation, so it's important to choose the right type of peel and follow proper aftercare instructions.

  • Areas Treated

    This facial is dedicated to revitalizing your face with lasting results. 

  • Results & Recovery

    The exact recovery time depends on factors such as the type of peel used and how invasive it is, but typically the entire process only takes 1-2 weeks! During that time, your skin might feel itchy or tight as it begins to heal. Post-peel care is also important for helping your skin heal correctly and ensuring that you get the most out of your treatment. This could include using gentle cleansers, avoiding excess sun exposure, and keeping cool compresses around irritated areas. With proper treatment, you’ll be able to show off youthful glowing skin in no time!

Jet peel

The Jet Peel facial is a non-invasive skin resurfacing treatment that uses a high-pressure jet stream of water and oxygen to exfoliate, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin. This facial is a popular choice for those seeking a deep-cleaning, anti-aging treatment that is pain-free and requires no downtime.

  • How It Works

    The Jet Peel facial uses a hand-held device that delivers a jet stream of water and oxygen to the skin. The jet stream is pressurized to penetrate deeply into the skin's layers, removing dead cells, dirt, and debris. At the same time, the water and oxygen hydrate and oxygenate the skin, promoting collagen production and skin rejuvenation.

    The Jet Peel facial is customizable, and the pressure of the jet stream can be adjusted to target specific areas of concern. The facial can also be combined with other treatments, such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion, to enhance the results.

  • Areas Treated

    The Jet Peel facial can be used on the face, neck, and décolletage. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. 

  • Results & Recovery

    The Jet Peel facial has immediate and long-term benefits for the skin. After the treatment, the skin looks brighter, smoother, and more radiant. The facial also promotes collagen production, which can improve the skin's elasticity and firmness over time. The results of the Jet Peel facial are cumulative, and a series of treatments is recommended for optimal results.

    One of the advantages of the Jet Peel facial is that there is no downtime or recovery period. The treatment is painless, and there may be some mild redness or sensitivity immediately after the treatment, but this usually subsides within a few hours. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the facial, including wearing makeup.

woman peeling off face mask
young woman with clear skin portrait

gold facial mesotherapy

Bespoke medical is proud to offer Gold Facial, a revolutionary microneedle device that contains 24 karat needles, each of which is smaller than a strand of hair. This device delivers products such as hyaluronic acid, Botox, Dysport, and a cocktail of Vitamins into the skin.

  • How It Works

    Depending on a patient’s concerns and desired results, we are able to fully customize the solution to be applied with the microchannel device.

    Botox or Dysport® in small levels at the surface of the skin, where it is not near a muscle, improves the size of the pores, decreases excess oil production, and decreases redness over time. This can also help acne. They provide a natural, gentle smoothing of the skin. Deeper wrinkles often require larger needles and more volume of dermal fillers. However, other problem areas, such as fine lines around the eyes, are much more suited to our Gold Facial treatment.

  • Areas Treated

    This cutting-edge procedure penetrates to the root of the skin, effectively treating conditions such as severe acne, dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles and chest creases and areas including the full face, neck, and décollatage.

  • Results & Recovery

    Results and recovery of Gold Mesotherapy can be seen within the first two weeks. Continued treatments will bring more refined outcomes. This treatment is painless, and is applies directly to the skin, making it a safe and efficient option. A series is often recommended once a month x 3.

frequently asked questions

  • How long does a Skin Therapy treatment take?

    Depending on the type and severity of the skin condition being treated, most skin care therapy treatments typically take between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Our experienced practitioners will be able to provide more details about the specific length of time required for your chosen procedure during consultation. 

  • How often should I have skin therapy treatments?

    This depends on the type of treatment you are having, as well as your skin condition and goals. Typically, treatments should be spaced at least four weeks apart to allow your body time to adjust and heal. However, our practitioners can provide more specific advice during consultation depending on your individual circumstances. 

  • Are there any risks associated with skin therapy treatments?

    Most skin therapies are generally safe when performed by a qualified practitioner in an appropriate setting. However, there may be some side effects or risks involved with certain procedures, such as temporary redness or swelling of the treated area, scarring or changes in pigmentation. These will be discussed with you prior to treatment to ensure that you are comfortable and aware of any potential risks. 

    Depending on the type of treatment, you may need to avoid certain activities or medications prior to your appointment. Your practitioner will provide specific instructions on how to prepare for your procedure during consultation. 

Other Services

medical grade skin care products on shelf

medical grade skin care available at Bespoke

We offer effective treatments tailored to fit each individual's unique needs. Our goal is simple - to help people achieve glowing skin and radiant health. All of our products are made with natural ingredients and created using advanced technology, ensuring that they deliver lasting results. Whether you struggle with aging skin or want to maintain your youthful glow, we have the perfect products for you. 

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